Tightening Corporate Infrastructure Through Dynamic Presentation Software

When clients ask about your corporate infrastructure, what should you talk about first? Do you discuss the number of physical offices your company owns and operates? Or, should you explain all of the places where company products are bought and sold? What about showing off the cool technology your employees use to get their jobs done?

When it comes to describing your company’s infrastructure, there’s actually no wrong answer. Company infrastructure covers anything that makes your employees’ jobs easier. It also improves communication between company members and helps raise productivity levels.

Employees and clients appreciate it when companies are open with their corporate infrastructure. By learning about corporate infrastructure, employees can learn how their peers address workplace challenges. Meanwhile, customers can better appreciate your company when they learn about your growth. In fact, the evolution of a company’s infrastructure remains the best indicator of its rise and fall.  

Do Companies Need Infrastructure?

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While a good business generates profit, a great business experiences consistent growth. By this definition, a lot of businesses aim to hit more than just their ROI: they want to tap into previously unclaimed markets. However, not all companies are ready to take that leap. Many firms crash and burn once they realize they’re not equipped to deal with a bigger market.

Having a corporate infrastructure in place ensures that your company is ready to take on added responsibilities before committing to growth. Horror stories, such as what happened at WeWork, confirm the need for executives to take a long hard look at their companies before pulling the trigger on expansion plans. In particular, companies should make sure they can commit to the following before making a bold move towards growth.

Exhibit Scalability

Growing a business without the proper corporate infrastructure can often end in disaster. For example, let’s examine a business that wants to expand its market outside of its home country. This means increasing its operating hours and adding more workers to accommodate buyers from other countries. Without these improvements, the company won’t be able to accommodate additional business.

A good business prepares for the eventuality of growth before committing to do so. Leaders anticipating growth in demand should invest in corporate infrastructure, technology and training for their employees.  Otherwise, unprepared companies will find themselves enduring more complaints instead of seeing any form of growth.

Establish Sustainable Operations

In addition to scalability, companies should also look out for sustainability. At this point in history, we are currently consuming far more resources than the Earth can produce. This is why many consumers are actively praising and endorsing companies that include sustainability in their corporate infrastructure.

Aside from good PR, sustainability is a wise choice for businesses that are looking to make a change. Businesses that incorporate renewables in their operations discover they profit more even though they are working with fewer resources.  It also helps that eco-conscious customers will value these companies and patronize them more frequently.

Create a Harmonious Environment

Employees and customers both play major roles in the corporate infrastructure. Engaged employees are often more productive compared to their passive counterparts. Leadership that cultivates a healthy working environment often benefits from a better-motivated workforce.

Meanwhile, a customer that is satisfied with their experience will typically come back for more. Happy consumers will eventually generate more revenue, even as your business spends less to keep them in a buying mood.

Implement Standardization

As your business grows, operations will become more complex. Whether through expansion or acquisition, a growing company means increased output. Even as your production needs grow, it’s essential to ensure that your quality remains the same. Corporate infrastructure leaves room for standardization. Through a series of well-defined processes, your company can consistently produce goods that meet customers’ expectations.

Standardization isn’t limited to what a company produces. Consistency should also apply to how employees approach their regular tasks and fulfill their objectives. Onboarding presentations are a great way to introduce stakeholders to your corporate infrastructure. Whether they’re new workers, investors or leaders, a clear and informative onboarding process can help your team learn about the company and the right way to do business.

What to Include in Your Corporate Infrastructure Presentation

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Presenting your corporate infrastructure to customers, employees and stakeholders is the most effective way to get them to buy into your company’s philosophy and aspirations. It helps set expectations and provides a clear roadmap of your company’s past and future.  

The presentation should include the following details to give the fullest picture of your company’s corporate infrastructure:  

Corporate Structure

This includes your business’ name and structure. For example, is it a single-owned company, a shareholder-driven firm, a private equity partnership or a non-profit? These details are important in establishing the company’s legal identity.

Business Plan

A business plan shows how your company aims to make a profit. Will it manufacture a product or sell an existing one? Alternatively, will your company perform a service instead of selling? The business plan should also project a timetable of when the company will turn a profit.  

Present the Management Group

Of course, somebody has to take charge of the operation to get the desired results. Often, the people who started the business will assume this leadership mantle. In many cases, they’ll hire other industry veterans to help them guide the business during its early days.

Roles and Responsibilities

Along with a list of key personnel, the presentation should include a description of each person’s role and responsibilities. This helps assign accountability to each member of your team. It also helps set realistic expectations of what they should accomplish.

Sturdy Contingency Plans

Planning for worst-case scenarios is part of any good corporate infrastructure. Organizations with well-run crisis management teams often have well-defined and developed contingency plans that document all potential issues. Even better, these teams have established measures and processes to follow in case these concerns come to life.  

Establish Corporate Infrastructure Through Dynamic Presentations

corporate infrastructure presentation
Source: Shutterstock

Documenting your corporate infrastructure in the form of a dynamic, interactive presentation is a great way to share this information with others. Ingage is a cloud-based presentation that offers more than just slideshows. It allows you to create dynamic, non-linear presentations that can go as straightforward or detailed as your audience needs. Ingage allows you to share your presentations instantly with your team members for increased collaboration and features powerful analytics to help you track which parts of the presentation are generating more interest and which parts need more polishing.  

Learn more on how Ingage can help you define your corporate infrastructure.  Contact us so we can arrange a short demonstration, as we’ll be more than happy to help your team further enhance their presentations.

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