Elements of the Perfect Sales Pitch: How to Deliver a Deal That Closes

One of the greatest hurdles your business faces is convincing customers you’re providing a product or service of value. You may offer unparalleled quality or fill an important but neglected niche. But if you’re unable to efficiently communicate this to prospective clients, the value you offer will never be recognized. Often, it all comes down to the sales pitch.

Unfortunately, nailing the perfect sales pitch is no easy task. There are a million ways to get it wrong, and leaving a lasting impact on your customers takes sincere effort.

Source: Shutterstock

If you’re having difficulty closing sales deals or feel like your sales pitches don’t have the zest they need, then keep reading. With the following elements, you can turn bored listeners into enthusiastic buyers who never forget about your business or its brand. You’ll also learn how to use cloud-based presentation software like Ingage to ensure your sales pitches are a cut above the rest.

Reasons You’re Not Closing Deals

First impressions matter, especially when you’re making a sales pitch. Right off the bat, customers want to feel like they can trust you. They also need to immediately identify that you’re presenting them with something valuable. Ensure you nail your sales pitch on the first go—you’ll rarely get a second chance to make a good impression.

If your business is struggling to close deals, it’s not necessarily because of your products or services. Instead, your sales pitch may not be adequately stressing the value that could be gained from your business. For example, if you’re trying to convince a client to attend a conference, a sales rep might speak about your business and all the high-profile clients it has previously worked with. While it does make your business appear impressive, it doesn’t tell your prospective client what they’ll gain. And that’s why the sales rep will probably hear a no.

Customers are looking for value. If you’re able to efficiently highlight the value your business offers, you’ll have far more interested clients.

When discussing value, it’s important to focus on the payoff and not the process. This could be another reason you’re not closing deals after what seems to be a stellar sales pitch. It’s important that your prospective client understands how your product or service works. However, this shouldn’t be the main focus of your sales pitch.

Instead, divert their attention toward the value your business will give them. How will their lives be better? How will their business improve?

Elements of a Winning Sales Pitch

Your personality and the nature of your business will influence how your sales pitch should be structured. With this in mind, there are still essential features you should include to ensure you seldom hear no.

1. The Problem You Solve

A good sales pitch begins with you identifying a problem. What gap in the market has your business spotted? Bring this to your client’s attention. You’re establishing that there’s an issue that needs fixing.

2. Your Solution

Once the problem has been identified, illustrate how your business solves it. This is when you stress the value of your product or service. You can integrate visual aids to make this part of your sales pitch more engaging.  

Whether your sales pitch is given in person or virtually, including a visual presentation will better communicate your solution. Research shows 40% of people respond better to visual information than written information.

Presenting the perfect sales pitch.
Source: Shutterstock

3. Your Price

Once the client knows what value you offer, you can start setting the price. You know what your product or service is worth. State the price firmly and clearly so your clients can make informed decisions. It may be tempting to skip over the money talk, but that leaves clients to assume the price is so high you’re too afraid to even state it.

4. Answers to Common Questions

Perhaps the hardest part will be dealing with customer objections to your sales pitch. Anticipate and prepare answers to any questions or price objections that may arise. Sometimes, this can be done by reiterating the value your product offers and how it solves an important problem. Other times, you can include a bundle deal, discount or special offer.

5. A Strong Finish

The last part is one that can also be tricky: closing sales deals. Make things concrete. Is it a yes or a no? Either way, respect the client’s choice. If they’re onboard, officiate things with a written agreement or a scheduled appointment to sign necessary documents. Leaving without something official results in ambiguity, and you may assume you’ve closed the deal when you haven’t.

Delivering a Deal That Closes

Your sales pitch may be good, but you can always make it better. One way is to put yourself in your client’s shoes. Your prospective client doesn’t care about your career history, how many deals you’ve closed or why you think you’re a great person. They have unique needs that they’re attempting to solve. Imagining yourself in their position will help you know what to say to resonate with them.

You can also improve your sales pitch by building trust with your client. For instance, show you’re an expert in your field. Spend a little time educating your client about your product and its role in the industry. Just remember: this is a sales pitch, not a classroom lecture.

Finally, structure your sales pitch so it entertains. Think of the elements of a story:

  • The beginning: Your identification of a problem
  • The middle: Your product enters the picture
  • A smashing ending: How your product leads to better outcomes

You Can Master the Art of the Perfect Sales Pitch

By incorporating the elements of a perfect sales pitch, you’ll close more deals and leave a positive impression of your business with clients. To take your sales pitches to the next level, ensure your visual elements are as interactive and modern as possible. With Ingage, you’ll have the tools to do this.

Ingage Will Improve Your Sales Pitch

Ingage provides cloud-based presentation software. This lets you create an interactive presentation, which is a much more engaging way for your prospective clients to learn about your business and what it offers. Design presentations on your own, or get guidance from our team of design experts.

Get started with Ingage today.

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